To help you make the best decision for your car sale we’ve answered the most frequently asked questions.
What is a car broker?
A broker acts as your agent when you are in the market for a new or used vehicle. A car broker sources new or used vehicles from different sellers or motor dealers and negotiates terms and price on your behalf.
Where does AutoSearch Tasmania source vehicles?
AutoSearch Tasmania deals with reputable licensed motor dealers and caryards throughout the State, plus we also source quality vehicles from private sellers.
How do I know AutoSearch Tasmania will act in my interest?
AutoSearch Tasmania has been in business since 1991. We have helped hundreds of clients. Satisfied clients are our best source of business. They return to us, and they tell others about our service. We are jealous of our excellent reputation. We want you to be more than satisfied. That is what has kept us in business and that is what will help us to stay in business.